You love your best friend’s house, don’t you? There you can share your secrets, your problems, and you know you are safe.
Going to church, well, that’s another matter. It’s easy to grumble because you go to school all week and now you have to wake up early on the weekend too. That doesn’t seem right. Maybe you don’t like the music or you think the pastor is boring. Sometimes you wish that being a Christian wasn’t so boring either—all those commandments and all those rules take the fun out of life.
Jesus is your best friend. Church is his house. This coming Sunday when you might be feeling crabby, tell yourself, “I get to go to my best friend’s house.”
There you get to tell him your secrets and hear him say, “I forgive you.”
There you tell him your problems and hear him say, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 NIV).
There you hear him tell you how much he likes being around you.
So keep going. You will hear the pastor tell you about your best friend and his love for you. Through that message, the Holy Spirit will work in your heart and someday you’ll even say, “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let’s go to the house of the Lord’” (Psalm 122:1).
Chomp on this!
How can you stay focused in church this week? (Write down two things from the message that you hadn’t heard before. Write down three people or things to pray for.)
For parents: How can you help the children you know stay focused on worship? How can you make the church a more welcoming place to be?