Matthew 7:24
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock."
Country music star Randy Travis recorded a song called "Feet on the Rock":
Well, I wanna talk to you for a minute
About an old man I met
He said, Boy, you look in trouble
And I bet your life's a mess
He said, I used to have the same problem too
I was way out of control
You know the only thing that set it right for me
Was a little good old rock and roll.
I put my feet on the rock
And my name on the roll
When it's called up yonder
I won't worry 'bout my soul
I know my home is waiting
And it's something to behold
I put my feet on the rock
And my name on the roll.
My name is on the roll … the Lamb's Book of Life.
My feet are on the rock = Christ is the foundation of my life.
Every time I read this verse in Matthew it reminds me of a sleeping Jesus on a little boat in the middle of a storm (Mark 4:38). Despite the waves and the wind and the hysteria of everyone around Him, Jesus was at peace and able to take a nap. How do you handle it when the winds blow and beat against your life? Do you panic? Worry? Stress out?
Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:24 that if we HEAR His words and then PUT them into practice, we will be able to withstand the storms of life. Notice that He never tells us the storms won't come … just that if our foundation is in Him, the storms won't take us out.
Know His Word. Obey His Word. Experience His Promise.