I’m Sorry

I’m learning more and more about the essentials of free speech lately.

I’ve been part of speaking tour called Sex On Demand (and pretty busy – which is why I haven’t blogged lately –!)… none the less the speaking tour has been with a guy named Victor Malarek who has recently written a book called ‘The John’s: sex for sale and the men who buy it’.

Victor is very passionate about trying to limit and indeed shut down the sex industry – the people who profit from women ‘for sale’. Victor points out the reality – when you legitimize the commodification of women’s bodies you perpetuate the growing evil of the global sex trade and contribute to inequality.

Thankfully this is supported by The Salvation Army Internationally (see the positional statement on human trafficking which suggests that we combat both the commodification of women – the sex industry. AND the demand for sex – men who buy it).

Apparently the ‘sex industry’ was insulted by the advertisement for the speaking tour. The reality is that when you make women’s bodies commodities, no matter how you ‘dress it up’ it is degrading.
It’s not the poster you should be offended with – it’s the reality.

So, to the sex industry I say that I am deeply sorry. I’m sorry for the hundreds of thousands of women and children that are exploited into sexual servitude EVERY YEAR – I’m sorry for the equality of women being hijacked and set aside by people who desire money over freedom. I’m sorry for the future generations that grow up believing that subjugation and humiliation are ’empowerment’. I’m sorry that I’ve been quiet for this long and I’m sorry that I haven’t offended you more often. I’m sorry that I’ve been apathetic and indifferent to the plight of women stuck in the grinding poverty and the gradual death of their bodies and souls as a result of this prostitution.

Not only am I sorry – but I’m repentant. I’m going to change my ways. I’m going to speak up more. I’m going to remind society of the costs to real women with real names and real lives who live as virtual prisoners to men who demand sex and use their economic power to get it – at great costs. I’m going to remind myself of the names and faces of women and children who suffer the real pain of sexual servitude… the young 12 year old girl in Tasmania who was raped by over 100 men – pimped out by her own mother… the 14 year old boys charged with gang rape as they re-enacted what they watched the ‘sex industry’ pump out as ‘normal behavior’ on the internet… the young girls lured into prostitution from TV shows that glamorize the life of prostitutes and LIE to bolster their industry at the expense of the innocence of girls and the health of society.

So, let it be known. I’m sorry. And I’ve changed my ways. I determine to stand up, speak up, and fight for a society that protects it’s most vulnerable and disadvantaged citizens. I determine to protect and serve women and children who have been exploited from economically poor conditions to sexual slavery in Australia (they say this is a better life!). I determine to set my sights on a day where Australia and the rest of the world will believe deep within their hearts that women and children ARE NOT FOR SALE. Where men are held accountable for violence against women – ALL women. And where little children are taught the value and dignity of every human being!

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