How did “For Girls Like You” Start? Well, I’m glad you asked! In short, “I said Yes!”
In March 2011 I ordered a subscription of National Geographic’s Kid’s Magazine for my four-year-old daughter Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn’s magazine arrived a week or so later and she was thrilled. I watched as she devoured all the colors, pictures, and games that were designed specifically for kids like her; Preschoolers. I also watched as my soon to be seven-year-old desperately tried to make this preschool magazine work for her. She had fun with it but the fact was it just wasn’t made for her. The games were a little easy, the topics were a little immature (for a 1st grader!), and the pictures were just too baby-like. This was the very same scenario for our Highlights Magazines and Clubhouse Jr. Don’t get me wrong those magazines had served their purpose VERY well, but now it was time to figure out what was next for our seven year old.
To be honest, my heart began to hurt. After the initial pity I decided to call on the experts; I “Googled” it! From there the wheels began to spin. I didn’t know it yet, but this was the beginning of For Girls Like You.
I didn’t find much during my search, and what I did find wasn’t gold. Let’s just say that I am not ok with my seven-year-old reading about “how to handle a crush”, or “what to do when your wardrobe needs fixing!” We just aren’t there yet.
One day, out of the blue, I said to my husband, “I am going to create a magazine for Alena and some of her friends.” It was plain and simple and there wasn’t much more thought beyond that. Soon after, I downloaded a trial version of a design program and got to work. I called on a few of my smart momma friends to contribute and moved forward with a loose plan. It took me a few months and a few “free trial” downloads on multiple computers since I had no funding in the beginning, but before I knew it I had my first draft of a magazine for girls like Alena. I designed and laid the magazine out with these young girls in mind; Girls who enjoy learning random facts about different places around the world and animals and history….Girls that have their own style but are not ready to be bogged down with the latest fashion do’s and don’ts…Girls who are learning to put into practice all the things they have been taught about friendships and right relationships…But most importantly girls who are learning and wanting to follow the heart of Jesus and those who desperately need to hear about Him.
In a nutshell, For Girls Like You, is for girls like that!
So there you have it. I am not a businesswoman who had a dream to start a magazine. That is not where my journey began. I didn’t over analyze. I saw a need and got to work, staying within the limited resources and time available. I am simply a woman, a wife, and a mom of 4 girls that has no other choice but to chase after the will of God. What I’m realizing is that as I chase Him, around every corner is a surprise. I am forever grateful to the Lord for teaching me this lesson and using me in the life of my daughters and girls like them.
I encourage you to chase after God. Instead of trying to figure it out, just give Him the freedom to use your circumstances and your gifts (even if you don’t see them yet). Let this be a small testimony that God doesn’t need us to come up with anything else; a simple “yes” will suffice.