iDisciple Podcast: Sword & Shield


Our guest on today’s podcast is Robert Noland, author of iDisciple Publishing’s latest release Sword & Shield, a 40-day journey designed to encourage, inspire, and challenge men to be leaders for Christ in their families, workplaces, and circles of influence.

David and Robert talk about Robert’s passion and history with men’s ministry, some amazing projects that Robert has had a chance to be a part of, and what he loved about writing Sword & Shield. Robert walks us through the practicalities of engaging with the new book both individually, or as a part of a group.

Robert began his writing career as a songwriter in 1983, then spent the next 10 years as a touring musician, songwriter, and producer, penning lyrics for artists such as Glen Campbell, Babbie Mason, and Gabriel. He wrote his first series of Bible studies in 1988 and in 1991 wrote his first Christian devotional book.

Noland has since authored over 50 titles spanning across children, youth, and adult audiences. He blogs weekly through The Sword & Shield.

Since 2011 after relocating to Franklin, TN, Noland has been a freelance author for faith-based organizations, ministries, and Christian publishers. Regardless of the target audience or mode of delivery via paper or digital, Robert Noland is at home, writing what he calls, “practical application of Biblical truth.”

Robert speaks at men’s events as well as church, ministry, benefits, university, and corporate events. Robert has written 100+ titles from memoirs, Christian Living, study guides, and devotionals spanning adult, student, and children’s audiences. Since 2009, Robert has been involved in men’s ministry on a national level, including his own conference. Robert’s non-profit ministry, 517 Resources, works to spread the Gospel and meet needs from local to international projects.

Key TakeAways

  • David and Robert talk about Robert’s journey to men’s mentorship through leading a local church.

  • Robert helps the audience see the Scriptures as a gift to be enjoyed rather than a duty to be completed.
  • Robert tells us stories about how he’s been connected throughout the years to the various people he’s authored books with.

  • Robert talks about the conference that he hosts for men, and the passion that he has for helping churches start men’s ministry.

  • Robert lets us in on some future projects that he’s only announced on this podcast!
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