I'm Afraid of Being Alone

God made us to be social creatures—we were not made to exist alone. We were all made to communicate and love. But what do you do when “alone” is where life put you, when there is no one in your house to love and communicate with? Not all those who want to be married find a spouse whom they can trust. In spite of the best intentions, divorce happens. Children all move away. Far away. Widowhood happens.

Do you know any people who are terrified to be alone? Do you feel that way? Do these words come from your heart? “I am lonely and afflicted. The troubles of my heart have multiplied; free me from anguish. Look upon my affliction and my distress” (Psalm 25:16-18).

Where do you go to fill that vast emptiness in your life? There are plenty of social groups where lonely people get involved, but the best of all solutions is to give your needs to your heavenly Father and watch for his way of answering. The Bible tells us, “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families” (Psalm 68:5, 6).

Pray with me: Lord, I need you to keep that promise. I’m afraid of being alone. Please put some kind people in my life.


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