In the Bible, the opposite of fear is not courage. It’s faith. Perhaps that explains why fear is such a pesky problem for the human race. We’re designed to live by faith, yet we’re full of insecurities and worries. We become preoccupied with potential hazards that begin as remote possibilities and somehow, often in the middle of the night, become distinct probabilities in our own minds. And when that happens, the fear begins to spread.
That’s because fear is highly contagious. It’s a spiritual pathogen, and it has paralyzing effects. Even when we don’t express it, it nevertheless rubs off on the people around us, and they may become paralyzed too. That’s a devastating problem because most of what we’re called to do in life—the things we were specifically created to do—require steps of bold faith. If we can’t take those steps, we miss out on a lot. We don’t fulfill our mission.
Treat fear the same way you would treat a deadly contagious disease. Separate yourself from it. Refuse to be around it long enough to catch it. Like a medical professional who has to treat contagious people, treat fearful people with gloves and masks on, if you must. But don’t let it get into your system. Your mission in life depends on faith, and worry, anxiety, dread, and every other form of fear are your enemies. The good news is that faith is contagious too. Expose yourself to that as often as you can, and your fear-resistant heart will be primed for all God is calling you to do.