This world is set up in such a way that if something isn’t cared for and attended to, at some point it will definitely change … for the worse! You can see this very clearly as you drive around your neighborhood. Some yards are beautifully landscaped, while other yards are overgrown and full of weeds. The difference? One yard has been cared for and had work done in it; the other has been un-cared for and ignored.
This is just as true in our lives as it is in a yard. The areas in our lives that we care for and work on are the areas that we’ll see improvement in over time, but the areas we ignore are pretty much guaranteed to deteriorate. I’ve found that many people procrastinate taking the steps necessary to begin working on those areas they want to improve. But the levels of discomfort and anxiety that come from not changing are usually higher than the levels of discomfort and anxiety that the process of change may bring. In other words, life’s much better when we’re changing and improving than when we’re not.
Is there an area in your life where you want to see improvement, a skill that you want to get better at, or a character trait that you want to grow? If so, begin by taking that first step toward your goal. That step might be reading a book about the subject, enrolling in a class, watching an online video, or talking to someone who is already strong in that area. Then keep in mind that as you do what you can, God will do what you can’t. The Bible makes it clear that as we serve God, He will prosper what we do (see scriptures such as Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:1-3, and Philippians 4:13). God isn’t able to bring much prosperity to so many lives simply because so many people aren’t doing much. The more we do, the more God can bless our efforts.
Just as walking a mile starts with a single step, so your growth starts in the same way. As you take steps toward growth you won’t see change overnight, but you will see change over time. And through this simple step-by-step process, you’ll be on your road to improvement!