But may all who see you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation always say, “Let God be exalted!”
- Psalm 70:4
These words were written within one of David’s urgent prayer for help. A good portion of David’s life was spent fleeing for his life and in battle. In this short psalm (5 verses), he asked the Lord to come quickly to help him and he expressed his vulnerability and need of God. But in this time, he did not forget to praise God.
It’s easy to praise God in the good times – when we’re winning, when the accolades keep coming, when everything just seems to be going well. But do we praise God in the hard times? Do we exalt His name in the confusion?
This verse is a great prayer for followers of Christ everywhere. First and foremost, we must seek God and let those of us who seek God rejoice and be glad in Him. As we compete, let us display God and all His glory!
Lord, help me to rejoice and be glad in You in all I do. As I compete, let me display Your gifts. As I speak, let me glorify Your name. As I extend grace, let me show Your grace. Let that be the motivation for everything I do and let me always, no matter what the circumstances may be or how they change, let me always say, “Let God be exalted!”
How do you praise God in the hard times? How do you glorify Him in the good times?
Keep a record (could use a notes page in your smart phone) and make note of blessings as they occur each day this week.
Outreach Challenge:
If someone is being negative about someone or a situation, ask them to find something positive. If they cannot think of anything, try to help them find something good. There is always something good, because there is always God (sometimes it just takes more work to find it).