In the Beauty of Your Holiness

Our God is perfect in beauty and everlasting in love. He is the God who never fails to watch over His children and continues to believe the best in us even when we cannot see ourselves clearly anymore.

God reveals Himself to us through His creation, His Word (Bible), His still small voice, circumstances, and through His Son, Jesus Christ—the ultimate expression of His love.

He is the holy God who requires holiness from His children. The first step in living a life of holiness, obedience, and purity is through knowing God intimately for who He is. Only when we know who God is can we know who we really are in Him.

From the beginning of time, God has constantly pursued man desiring a deep and intimate relationship with Him. Some people respond accordingly in love but others are lost, seeking other gods or idols to replace God in their hearts.

Time and again, God woos His people back to Him and His love. God is love. It is His divine attribute and character to love, protect, provide, heal, restore, deliver, and save.

Today is the perfect time for us to seek Him earnestly in prayer and to meditate on His Word, His love letter to mankind. As we daily spend time with God more than other things in life, we will be able to see God’s face, hear His voice, rest in His pleasure, and experience His unconditional love that can set us free from everything that holds us back from fulfilling His destiny for our lives.

The more we soak in His presence, know His heart, and understand His Word, the more we will be able to see the beauty of His holiness.

We become whom we behold. When we meet with God consistently on a daily basis, we will be more like Him. His characteristics and beautiful qualities will be manifested within us and in our lives.

Our hearts will be filled with His Words and His voice will be clear to us. We will not only know ABOUT him, but we will come to know Him truly.

As we get closer to Him, we will be changed from glory to glory because we have seen with our eyes His beauty and heard with our ears His voice.

The result of God’s love is beauty and life. We will notice that all the negative mindsets and strongholds are broken, sicknesses are healed, addictions are removed, destructive behaviors are gone, and all our struggles for many years, if not decades, are done away with just by basking in the beauty of God’s holiness.

The yoke is broken by His presence. Everything that puts us in prison like shame, guilt, condemnation, rejection, fears, lust, trauma, grief, and pains are now being broken off by the power of God’s love.

Then, when we know who God is, we begin to know our real identity in God. We are made in the image and likeness of God. We are sons and daughters of God. We are loved by God. We are accepted and welcomed by God.

With such knowledge, we can think, speak, move, and act like children of the Most High God.

So, today is your day of revelation from God and knowing in your inner being His love for you. Take hold of it. It’s yours. Nothing and no one can take it away from you. 

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