A common attraction at our local county fair is the house of mirrors. When a person walks into the exhibit, one sees their reflection “rearranged” depending on the shape of the mirror’s width or height. One mirror makes you appear dwarf-like, another makes you appear tall and skinny, like a bean pole. As you look at your distorted image, you are deceived by the image you see in the mirror.
Although the house of mirrors can be appreciated as comic relief, the concept of the house of mirrors is a tangible spiritual illustration of how we can be misled to believe something other than what is true about what God says about us. Satan can keep us ensnared in doubt, deception and despair. His lies convince us God doesn’t love or care about our needs. The enemy of our souls loves to maximize our problem and minimize God’s power.
Before leaders can tackle the challenges at their organizations, they have to look in the mirror, says Ken Blanchard, co-author of Lead Like Jesus Revisited and The One Minute Manager. "The journey of leadership is first taking a look at yourself," he explains. "Then you're ready to deal one-on-one, then you can take over a team, and then an organization."
As leaders, we must look into God's Word daily, to allow our minds to be renewed. Jesus came to liberate us through the certainty of access to His presence. “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32)
When we renew our minds, we find out who we are and what we are living for. We choose to honestly face the truth about ourselves and allow God to show us an accurate image of who He wants us to become.
We must ask ourselves three key questions:
- Am I a leader?
- Am I willing to follow Jesus as my leadership role model?
- How do I lead like Jesus?
A "leader" is defined as anyone who influences the thinking, behavior or development of another person toward accomplishing a goal in their personal or professional lives. By that definition, we all take on the role of a "leader" at one time or another. You might be a parent, a teacher, a nurse, a pastor, a coach, or an adult child helping aging parents. There are differences between being a "life leader" (such as a parent) and an organizational leader (a manager in a company).
Leaders are set apart by how we use our influence. If our instincts are self-promotion and self-protection, then we'll use our influence to fulfill these needs. (Self-interest, is the most difficult obstacle leaders face in leading like Jesus). On the other hand, if we are driven by service and dedication to a cause or a relationship, then we will model and encourage these values in others. It's refreshing to remind ourselves of the four domains of leading like Jesus: head, heart, hands and habits.
As leaders, we must look into the mirror of God’s Word and let it reflect Jesus' likeness so we can see Who we should follow. We read the Word of God, and the Word of God reads us; we see ourselves the way God sees us. In honesty, integrity and love, we can lead as we are led by the power of the Holy Spirit. "And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." (2 Corinthians 3:18)
Let’s pray: “Thank you Father, that you sent your Son so we can have a relationship with You. Let me see myself through Your eyes. Help me face the truth about myself. Let me love others with Your heart. Let me serve my team with Your hands. Let me show my team with Your habits. Thank You for allowing me to lead as You lead. Thank You for reminding me in every situation, Your truth will set me free. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
By Sheryl Giesbrecht