Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God. (Romans 12:2 ESV)
Perhaps you’ve sought God’s will at a critical juncture in life and wondered why he hasn’t simply pointed the way. We all come to such crossroads, and most of us are wise enough to ask God for direction. But while we’re looking for information to guide us, he is looking for something else. He is much more concerned with our inner transformation than our outer circumstances. Character matters.
That doesn’t mean God is holding out on us just to get us to focus on inward change. His purpose in delaying guidance is very practical. If we arrived at our destination without the character to handle it, our destiny would eventually crumble around us. God’s desire is for us to renew our minds—our perspective, our paradigm, our inner strength—so we will be able to carry the weight of our calling. Then, and sometimes only then, he points the way into it.
Seek God’s direction, but seek his thoughts and character as a higher priority. The outward direction comes when we’re ready for it—when our inner capabilities are strong enough to handle the outer circumstances of our calling. When we know that, we will proceed methodically and patiently—and much more in step with God’s guidance.