Intellectual Hurdles

People believe for all kinds of reasons. Some believe because of the way they were brought up, or because of various experiences they’ve had. Some believe because of the influence of important people in their lives. But some know the value and depth of believing because they went on a relentless search for truth... and found it.

How should a man conduct a spiritual search? Let me make a few suggestions. First, keep an open mind. The authentic seeker must maintain a healthy balance between solid investigation and a willingness to accept what he finds. Second, pray. A seeker’s prayer might go something like this: “God, I’m not even sure I believe You are listening, but if You are, I want to find You. I really do want to know the truth. If you exist, please show Yourself to me.” Third, be honest about what you’re looking for. Most people who investigate Christianity say, “I’m after spiritual truth.” That’s fine. But others are looking for instant solutions to life-long problems. Christianity is an eternal solution joined to a life-long process. Finally, be willing to change on the basis of what you discover. Don’t view spiritual faith as an accessory item that could complement your lifestyle. It’s a relationship that will change your life.

Seekers need to ask questions. Christianity can stand up to even the most careful scrutiny. If you are a seeker, let your quest begin. If you are a believer, encourage seekers. Be an apologist for your faith. That doesn’t mean apologizing for means giving others valid reasons to come to a belief of their own.

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.
1 Timothy 1-3; Psalm 133-134
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