Intentional Leadership

I have become convinced that intentional leadership is imperative to leading effectively.

Intentional leadership is deliberate, purposeful, and willful leadership. Perhaps this has never occurred to you before: You get what you get ready for in your life. 

How deliberate is your leadership? Do you think through what you want to do carefully by weighing the pros and the cons? Do you think through from beginning to end? Or, do you just shoot from the hip, lead impulsively, and hope for the best to occur?

How purposeful is your leadership? I have found that leadership is usually not any more purposeful than your own personal life. Purposeful leadership leads with a goal or an end in mind. Do you lead with the end in mind or do you lead indecisively, reluctantly, and aimlessly?

How willful is your leadership? Do you wait for others to point the way, or do you step up as the leader and declare the direction? Or do you fear what others will think so you just sit back, let others voice their views, and kind of see where the wind blows your organization? 

Intentional leadership is deliberate, purposeful, and willful.

Just think what would happen if:

  • You lived your own life this way
  • You practiced marriage, parenting, and family this way
  • You led your organization or church this way

This I know… if more leaders were intentional, our world would change dramatically.


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