“How can people call on him if they have not believed in him? How can they believe in him if they have not heard his message? How can they hear if no one tells the Good News?” (Romans 10:14).
Your best friend throws a birthday party but doesn’t invite you. At school you hear everyone talking about it, and he asks, “Why didn’t you show up?”
Obviously you’d answer, “Well, I didn’t know. You didn’t invite me. Why didn’t you tell me?”
Wouldn’t you be hurt if he says, “I didn’t think I actually had to tell you. I was just hoping you’d figure it out.”
The whole time you would be thinking, “How can I come to a party that I don’t know about?!”
Heaven is a celebration too! It’s a forever victory party for God. But not all people know the party is going on because they don’t know what Jesus has done for them.
That’s why God has given you a job: invite people!
When Jesus told his followers to go and make disciples of all nations, it wasn’t only a command for the disciples or for adults. He meant you too. You get to tell the people around you about the best party ever! Tell them the great things Jesus has done for them. Tell them the great things Jesus has planned for them. They can’t figure it out on their own if they haven’t heard the message. They won’t know if you don’t tell them the Good News! Invite them.
Dear Father, I know that life with you is awesome here, but life in heaven will be even better. Help me not to be nervous but to invite all the people I know so they can know the good news too.