Is Everybody Really Doing It?

And what is IT exactly? I suppose, depending on what you’re talking about at the time, IT can be something you want to do that your parents think is unsafe: rock climbing, bungee jumping, sky diving, etc. It might seem like everyone else’s parents are soooo much cooler than yours because your friends all get to do those fun things.

Or, IT can be something you want to do, something you’re tempted to do, even when you know it’s wrong: drink alcohol, skip school, have sex, etc. And maybe, just maybe, it’s true that EVERYONE is doing that thing (though it isn’t true), and maybe, just maybe, by not doing it you won’t be popular or you’ll lose your boyfriend (better off without him—the big jerk).

The argument “but everybody’s doing it” is really the basis for all battles of peer pressure. I mean, seriously, would there be such a thing as peer pressure if there weren’t activities other people did that you wanted to avoid?

Let me give you some reasons for why your friends might pressure you:

  • They know they’re wrong and want you to validate them by behaving the same way they are.
  • They’re on a quest to see the “Christian” do something bad.
  • They know your good behavior points a spotlight on their bad.
  • They want what they want and aren’t worried about you.

Now, allow me to give you some reasons why it’s so important that you stick to what you know is right and not worry at all about what “everybody is doing”:

  • Nothing is really done in secret. Even if you don’t get caught by your parents, Jesus knows.
  • Once you start down a physical path to intimacy with your boyfriend, it’s so hard to go back.
  • Some things, like the use of alcohol and drugs, are illegal.
  • A good reputation is so hard to build, yet it will crash down like a house of cards.
  • God has a better plan for you.

It’s tough to go against the crowd. Trust me, I know. I’m an old lady and every once in a while I still have to deal with the effects of some of the poor choices I made when I was young. Forgiveness is a powerful thing, and God’s forgiveness is immediate and permanent. But sometimes it’s harder to forgive yourself and let go of the regret.

So, rather than find yourself in a situation you’ll regret one day, and all because of some spoiled brats who wanted to bring you down, stand tall daughter of the King and let your faith shine through your commitment to uphold His wishes for you—not theirs.

No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it. (I Corinthians 10:13, MSG)

Written by Nicole O'Dell

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