Is He Thinking About You Right Now?

I’ve noticed something about us girls. We want someone to be thinking of us. Often. Preferably, every minute of every hour of every day.

In my own life, this is especially true of my guy. I want to be his first thought when he wakes up in the morning, his last thought as he’s drifting off to sleep, and the focus of every thought in-between. Here are some clues you might want your guy to be thinking of you 24/7, too.

  • When he shows interest in something other than you, such as a hobby or idea, you feel mad or annoyed.
  • When he seems to be thinking of someone other than you, you feel jealous or jilted.
  • You are willing to do almost anything to turn his thoughts toward you, even counterproductive things like picking a fight.
  • You frequently ask him, “What are you thinking?” and feel disappointed if his answer is anything other than, “I was thinking about you.”
  • If he looks at his phone or watches TV, you get frustrated. You’d rather him give you his undivided attention at all times.

When we look at these inner thoughts and desires in black and white, they seem a little silly don’t they? While the desire to be loved and treasured is God-given, the craving to be the absolute focus of someone’s thoughts at all times isn’t.

Pay attention to the things God asks us to think about.

  1. Think about the Spirit ( 8:5–6).
  2. Think about things that are above, not about things that are of earth ( 3:2).
  3. Think about what you say before you say it ( 15:28).
  4. Think about the teachings of Scripture (2 Tim. 2:7).
  5. Think about how to protect your heart ( 4:23).
  6. Think about God’s law ( 119:15).
  7. Think about what God is like ( 119:15).
  8. Think about how short life is ( 90:12).
  9. Think about God’s thoughts ( 139:17).
  10. Think about the truth you’ve heard ( 2:1).
  11. Philippians 4:8 tells us to think about:
    • whatever is true.
    • whatever is honorable.
    • whatever is just.
    • whatever is pure.
    • whatever is lovely.
    • whatever is commendable.
    • anything excellent.
    • anything worth of praise.

Did you notice that your crush or boyfriend or husband isn’t anywhere on this list? That means that God never asks your guy to think about you 24/7 either. If that feels harsh, remember, romance is God’s idea. It’s okay to think about the guy God has given you and to hope he thinks of you, too. But God also asks us to lift our eyes and think thoughts beyond, Is he thinking of me right this very moment?

Thank You for Not Thinking of Me

If you’ve been guilty of expecting your guy (or your parents or your friends) to think about you non-stop, would you take these three steps in a new direction?

1. Repent.

Tell God you are sorry for expecting others to think about you more than they think about Him. Ask Him to help you live out this verse and earnestly desire to see the people you love do the same.

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27, emphasis added).

2. Write lots of permission slips.

Give the people in your world the freedom to think about other things often without guilt, shame, or confrontation. When you notice that they are thinking about the things the Bible calls us to think about, point it out and be encouraging. Ask the Lord to grow genuine gratitude in your heart for the people in your world who have done this:

Take every thought captive to obey Christ (2 Cor. 10:5).

3. Know who is thinking of you.

Check out this gold nugget of truth:

You have multiplied, O LORD my God, your wondrous deeds and your thoughts toward us; none can compare with you! I will proclaim and tell of them, yet they are more than can be told (Ps. 40:5).

God thinks of us, often. Today, let’s choose to proclaim that beautiful truth and release the people we love from the expectation to think about us 24/7.

By Erin Davis

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