Is It Really Worth It?

Scripture Reading — Proverbs 6:27-35

A man who commits adultery lacks judgment; whoever does so destroys himself. 
Proverbs 6:32

Sometimes it happens without warning. You feel misunderstood, and someone at your workplace knows exactly what you feel. Your wife is so much less attractive than your colleague at the firm. The person you met is just what your husband will never be. You feel lonesome and misunderstood. In a poem, a wife explained her unfaithfulness this way:

“When I complained of loneliness, you said, ‘a man must think about his daily bread.’ And then one fateful day, when earth seemed dull, it suddenly grew bright and beautiful. I spoke a little, and he listened much. There was attraction in his eyes; I felt no more alone. It was the ‘innocent’ beginning of all my sinning.”

One author calls it “the myth of greener grass.” What we refer to as an affair, the Bible calls adultery. And adultery is a sin against God and against everyone else in our lives. It is an act of betrayal against our promise to be faithful “till death do us part.” It is a sin against our children, who become the innocent victims of our hurtful behavior.

If your marriage is not what it ought to be, find a Christian counselor. If you have been unfaithful to your spouse, ask for forgiveness. If you are unfaithful to your wife or husband now, break it off, and do whatever you must do to make it right.


Lord our God, help us to be faithful to the vows we spoke in your presence, perhaps many years ago. Help us to be trustworthy examples for our children and others. Amen.

Written by: Arthur Schoonveld

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