Is Jesus for Real?

When John was in prison, he heard about the things Christ had done. So he sent his disciples to ask Jesus, ‘Are you the one who is coming, or should we look for someone else?’” (Matthew 11:2,3).

John the Baptizer was born to tell people about his cousin Jesus. He lived in the desert and told people to repent, be baptized, and prepare for the Lord. He made the Pharisees mad and King Herod even madder, which landed him in jail with no hope. This was not exactly how he planned for his life to go after telling people the truth that the Savior was coming. You might not blame him for wondering, “Is Jesus really the guy?”

Sometimes we wonder if Jesus is for real too. We can’t see him. Or we tell people the truth and they get mad at us and God doesn’t “fix” it. Some nights, praying feels like talking to a big empty space in the sky.

When John wondered, Jesus said, “Go back, and tell John what you hear and see: Blind people see again, lame people are walking, those with skin diseases are made clean, deaf people hear again, dead people are brought back to life, and poor people hear the Good News” (verses 4,5).

When you wonder, open your Bible and see what Jesus did. He healed real people; he raised real people from death. He is the Savior. He is coming back for you. For real.

Dear Lord, forgive me for the times when I doubt that you are real. I know that your Word tells me about all that you have done for me. Please strengthen my faith through that Word. Amen.

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