You may be in charge, but God is in control. As church leaders we all want our churches to grow, we want to reach more people. But should goals be set and chased, or is it all a divine mystery?
I thoroughly believe that everything rises and falls on leadership. Good leadership is conducive to reaching more people, and poor leadership or the absence of leadership can prevent church growth.
Whether you lean toward designed or destined to grow makes a huge difference in how you lead.
Let me say what I believe and see if you can guess where I land:
- God intended for His church to grow. If we can call the church a living organism, (a living organization), it’s meant to grow.
- If the church is healthy and has good leadership it will grow.
- We don’t get to decide how large our church becomes. That is up to God. The church belongs to Him.
- There is nothing wrong with setting quiet prayerful goals and hard work is required, but ultimately God is in control.
- If the church is growing, however much or little, be grateful and keep reaching one person at a time.
- If the church is not growing or going backwards, get aggressive about diagnosing the problem. Don’t panic, pray and lead!
- Nothing living, nothing organic grows forever. For instance, no tree grows forever, no church grows to an unlimited size.
- In nature, God created seeds to multiply. He provided for continued and long term growth. For a few examples: through multiple services, church planting, and multi-site campuses.
OK, it’s pretty obvious huh?