Isn’t There Any Easier Way to Success?

I talk to people each week who desperately long for a new job or would like to start their own business. But when I suggest they invest in a coaching session or a $17 book they recoil in horror.  Some state that they don’t want to spend any time or money – they just want me to tell them what to do.  A recent 48 Days to the Work You Love purchaser wrote “I don’t want to spend the time figuring out how to use this book. Isn’t there an easier way?” I apologized that I didn’t know any real shortcut – he’d have to actually read the book and apply it to his situation.  

It perplexes me to think that anyone expects to get a great job or start a successful business without first putting forth a little effort.  I’ve never seen success sneak up on someone; rather, I see it come as a result of having a clear personalized plan of action, and then investing the hard work and resources to allow success to come into view.

I’m told that if you put a turkey in a pen that is 8’ x 8’ and is entirely open at the top, the bird, while we know it can fly, will remain a prisoner in that pen. The reason is that a massive bird like that cannot take off straight up.  It has to have a run of 10-12’ to have the momentum to take off.  Without space to run, it will not even attempt to fly, but will remain a prisoner in that small jail, even with an open sky right above its head.

I’ve never seen success operate any differently.  Athletes don’t become superstars overnight, actors don’t go directly to Broadway, most business people try 3 or 4 things before finding one that works, and most first jobs are little more than a learning process. You can’t fly without first running and you can’t get to success without investing time, effort and money.

I just registered for a three-day seminar in New York City on September 15-18th.  The airfare and hotel are significant expenses – not to mention the registration fee.  I’m not a speaker – just a normal attendee.  Why do I so willingly continue to do things like this?  Because I don’t see it as an expense, but an investment.  If I spend $2000 on a big screen TV, I’ll never recapture that money – it begins to disappear immediately.  But if I spend $2000 on books, coaching or seminars, experience tells me I can perhaps make $200,000 from the ideas and new knowledge I’ll get. I’ve seen that played out time after time.  

I expect all my high-achieving clients to read, listen and apply helpful principles. Many of them started their own success explosion by engaging in our Eagles Club Coaching or attending our Coaching with Excellence event. Unfortunately, we hear from lots of others who say they also want more success.  But then I see them buy a new car, a new lawnmower, a new boat, and have a $60/month cable bill while saying they can’t “afford” a book or seminar.  Why do you think their success is blocked?

I would propose that if you commit to reading and listening to positive materials for 30 minutes a day for 6 months, you can expect to double your income.  I’d love to have several of you take me up on that challenge – document it and let me know.  If you succeed, I’ll buy your lunch so I can learn from your story.  If you fail, I’ll buy your lunch so I can learn from your story.

Decide what you’re willing to put into the process of bringing new success into your life.  If you don’t allow yourself enough room to run, you’ll never fly.  


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