It’s Not a Joke!

In a little while it’s going to be time for Easter egg hunts. Wouldn’t it be a cruel joke if every plastic egg you found was empty? I mean, you’re expecting to find candy or money or something—anything!—and they give you NOTHING!

You’d start crying and asking your parents, “Where’s my candy?”

If they said, “Surprise! We’re going to Disney World!” you would stop crying immediately. That would be the best news to hear! You are smart enough to know that a trip there is way better than a chocolate bunny.

On Easter morning, Mary thought someone had played a cruel joke on her. She went to Jesus’ tomb and found it was empty.

“She turned around and saw Jesus standing there. However, she didn’t know that it was Jesus. Jesus asked her, ‘Why are you crying? Who are you looking for?’ Mary thought it was the gardener speaking to her. So she said to him, ‘Sir, if you carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I’ll remove him.’ Jesus said to her, ‘Mary!’ Mary turned around and said to him in Hebrew, ‘Rabboni!’ (This word means ‘teacher.’)” (John 20:14-16).

Mary’s Jesus was alive. Your Jesus is alive. As you get ready for Easter, tell your friends and family about it. Tell them about Jesus’ empty tomb. It’s not a cruel joke. It’s the best news you’ll ever hear.

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