It’s Not Too Late

Luke Skywalker faced a final battle with his father, Darth Vader. He begged his dad to turn away from the dark side, but Darth answered, “You don’t know the power of the dark side! I must obey my master.”

Luke tried again, telling him there still was hope. Darth didn’t believe him. “It is too late for me, son,” he said.

As a kid like Luke, you think you have plenty of time. Adults, however, start to wonder if maybe their time is running out. Maybe it’s too late for them.

As Jesus was taking the punishment for the sins of the entire world, the thief on the cross next to him realized that Jesus didn’t deserve to be on a cross, but that he, the thief, did. He knew his time was running out when he said, “Jesus, remember me when you enter your kingdom.”

Jesus, who knows that it is never too late, told him, “I can guarantee this truth: Today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:42,43).

It’s never too late for you or for the people you know, either. That’s because Jesus is bigger than Satan. The Bible tells you that even when you sin a whole lot, God’s grace covers it. But where sin increased, God’s kindness increased even more” (Romans 5:20).

You get to be like Luke and say, “It’s never too late.”

Remind yourself. Then tell your friends. Tell your family.

Dear Father, thank you for reminding me that it is never too late. You are so kind and patient, and I don’t deserve it. Yet you love me more. Your forgiveness covers every single one of my sins. You are so good to me. Thank you. Amen.

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