It’s the Reason We Have Priorities…

If you look at my “to-do” list for the last few days, you’ll see I haven’t gotten much done.

There’s a reason.

My mom has an Acoustic Neuroma that has affected her hearing and balance. She was referred to a doctor at Vanderbilt, and for the last several days we’ve been going to doctor appointments, X-rays and tests. We’ve filled out a small book of paper work and finally decided on a good plan with an excellent expectation of success.

She returned home this morning and I finally got into the office to my stack of unread mail, unanswered emails and undone tasks.

And you know what? I’m perfectly OK with this.


My mom is more important than all of this other stuff. If I didn’t call someone right back, well, they’ll just have to understand. I was taking care of my mom.

Let’s face it. Some things are just more important than other things.

The world tells us that EVERYTHING IS IMPORTANT! So important in fact, that we can’t drop anything.

Our phones have to be on.

Our tablets lit up.

We have to drive, text, surf the web and download updates, all while we’re working out and eating.


Here’s what all of us know, but few have the courage to live out.

In the end, only a handful of things are important. The rest is garbage.

We know what matters – faith, family and friends – the rest is just clutter.

So why do we have such a hard time living for what matters?

It’s because most of us never draw the hard line and say, “This is what matters to me.”

The reason we have priorities is for the moments when life makes you choose –

Do I go into the office or do I take care of my mom?

I took care of my mom. I didn’t even have to think about.

My mom is my priority. So, I’m OK being a little behind on some projects.

I took good care of my mom. And that’s what mattered.

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