There is much to be said for the power of our identity. The way you live your life, make decisions, and carry yourself all depend on how you define and identify yourself. We all have certain labels we apply to ourselves such as conservative or liberal, old-fashioned or cutting edge, outgoing or shy. We use these terms to further define who we are in the world. Here’s a new term for every believer to remember… “new creature.”
Have you realized yet that if you’ve trusted Christ as Savior, you are now a new creature? In fact, you are “in Christ.” Your life is hidden with Him. He’s now your new identity. You can wear Jesus’ name badge knowing that He died to cover you with His identity and to forgive you of all of your sins by the blood He shed for you. If you’ve committed your life to Him, then you are now blood-bought, sanctified, set apart for God’s usage. You’re a child of the King. You’re the heir of the Lord of the universe, a joint heir of Jesus. You’re bound for glory.
So smile today. Know who you are! Have you received Christ personally? If so, He’s received You as His very own and He would claim you as His child in front of all of humanity. Walk in the confidence of His forgiveness today. Old things are passed away, all things are new. Meet the new you today!