It Takes (More Than) Two

Read: Ephesians 4:25-32 & Proverbs 5:15 & Song of Solomon 2:16a &Ephesians 5:22-33 & John 15:5 & Proverbs 18:1

Anyone who has experienced any level of difficulty in marriage knows how easy it is to believe that no one else can truly know or understand what you’re going through.

They would be right, of course. One of the beauties of marriage is that it is a special union between a man and a woman, unique in one another and unique in what they share (Proverbs 5:15, Song of Songs 2:16a, Ephesians 5:22-33). But if we ever believe we’re “on our own,” we’ve gone too far. Christ-centered marriages can only grow when they are joined to Christ and the church. (John 15:5)

One of the most powerful ways to allow the grace of Christ to flow through our marriages is to place ourselves in relationships with other couples. These are relationships where we can be encouraged, confess our struggles, seek prayer and guidance, and minister out of our own experience of God’s grace. In Ephesians 4:25-32, we are told to “speak the truth with our neighbor” to whom and for whom we are responsible as “members of one another”. We are instructed to walk in Christ by “putting away falsehood,” and stop lying out of fear, shame or pride. 

If we wait until there is a crisis to reach out for help, we’ve given Satan too much opportunity already (Ephesians 4:27). Isolation is the breeding ground for Satan’s deceptions, lies and temptations (Proverbs 18:1). Seeking Godly, Biblical counsel is something each of us should do intentionally and continually. Two of the best ways to surround you and your spouse with Godly relationships is through a small group and through serving.

God established two forms of “organization” in the world: marriage and the church. For both to be healthy, both must function together.

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