It's Impossible for You to Be a Loser

Infomercials always make kitchen products and garden tools seem like a great idea, but after a few weeks, the blender breaks and the garden hose leaks. What we thought was a perfect fix turns out to be a waste of money and time.

Lots of promises are made but few are kept—except when it comes to Jesus. Jesus delivers on His promises like no one else can.

The power that raised Jesus from the dead is the same power at work in us every day. There’s no limit to what God can accomplish through us. That’s why Romans 8:37 says we are more than conquers with Jesus.

No matter where we’re going through, when we know Christ, we can live confidently because we know we will win in the end.

1. We win when the lost are found.

God describes Himself as a good Father who loves us and provides for us. When someone turns to God, we have reason to celebrate (Luke 15:24)! That person receives salvation, starts a relationship with God, and becomes a new person whose identity is found in Jesus.

2. We win because death isn’t the end.

Jesus did not stay defeated in death. Jesus died on the cross and came back to life, showing His power over death (1 Corinthians 15:55). We don’t have to be afraid of it anymore. The end of our lives on Earth are the end of a chapter, not the end of everything.

3. We win because God is trustworthy.

God is a promise maker and a promise keeper. When Jesus promises to provide for all our needs, we don’t need to wonder if He’ll keep His word or if He promised more than He can deliver. He always delivers (Philippians 4:19, 2 Corinthians 1:20).

4. We win when we get a fresh start.

Sin enslaves us but Jesus came to free us from our sins (John 8:31-36). He breaks the chains of addictions, lust and anything else we’re stuck in.

Everyone can live in freedom. Jesus made each of us to experience freedom that comes from knowing Him and breaking out of what holds us back (Galatians 5:1).

5. We win because God provides His presence and protection.

God is with us and for us. In every struggle we face, God is a mighty warrior who fights for us (Zephaniah 3:17). Our fighting isn’t against other people, but against the oppression of sin and evils that try to keep us disconnected from God.

God’s strength helps us endure any hard times we go through. Whatever circumstances we’re in, God is with us and has our best interests in mind. God has given us victory through Jesus, and we can never celebrate Him enough.


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