Don’t you love it when your kids bring you hot chocolate in bed with 2 marshmallows on top? (When did that happen? you question.) Ok, what if they did? Wouldn’t that give you great pleasure?
As moms, we love it when our kids give us (intentionally and on purpose) what we desire the most, whether it be food snacks, obedience, or simply getting along with siblings. And we especially take notice when they do these acts not because they want a surprise $5.00 bill under their pillow but because they want to serve you – bless you – assist your joy.
Did you know that Jesus is no different? He likes to be served as well. It pleases Him when we offer words of praise when we don’t feel like it.
When we can’t have what we want, it’s a divine opportunity to give Him what He desires the most: our admiration. It’s a sacrifice because it costs us something – laying down our desires for ease and comfort and praising Him for who He IS (Emmanuel – God with us) instead of what He DOES (provides, protects, sustains). This kind of heart brings our Father hot chocolate in bed with 100 marshmallows on top!
I love Hebrews 13:15-16 – Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise — the fruit of lips that confess his name.
But it’s not enough to just give Him verbal tributes of admiration. The rest of that verse concludes: “But also be mindful not to neglect doing good and sharing, for these sacrifices bring gladness to the Lord.”
What a perfect time to give out of our lack – called mercy– and love out of our emptiness – called sacrifice. For indeed, lip service must be accompanied by life service.
It is always the perfect time of year to give Jesus the best gift of all – lips of praise and acts of kindness.