Jesus Has Always Been

John tells us in this simple and profound opening to his gospel that Jesus was with God when God formed the earth. To the Jews, this was disturbing, almost heretical because they learned that God, Elohim, created the earth. Yet, John says that Logos was with God in the beginning, very much alluding back to Genesis when God said that “they” would make man in “their” image and that the “spirit” hovered over the waters before the earth was formed. Here we learn that God really wasn’t alone and that Jesus and the Holy Spirit either helped or watched as God did what He wanted to do with His creation.

The significance of this passage isn’t simply that God wasn’t alone but that Jesus, as part of the trinity has always been alive. He didn’t come to be when he entered Mary’s womb, he simply refashioned himself to fit inside her womb because He had to come speak directly to us. John pricks us with the truth and mystery of understanding the concept of the trinity on his opening passage here and this is something that we must broach with our kids. Can we fathom that Jesus always was and always will exist not just in singular form but as part of a mysterious trinity? Certainly not. But just because we can’t explain this phenomenon is no reason to keep from teaching our children about it.

Before they leave home, every Christian child must know that, while no mind can understand its reality, the trinity is central to the Christian faith because without it, Jesus would not have always existed. And we know that this is not true. So, the question for you is, do your kids know that even before the earth was formed, Jesus was alive?


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