Jesus Is Your Bulletproof Vest

Why do soldiers wear bulletproof vests? (Take time to answer that.)

Getting shot in the arm or leg still hurts—really hurts—but it doesn’t kill you. You need to protect your heart, though, because that wound could be fatal. There weren’t guns back in Bible times, but the soldiers then knew they had to protect their hearts and lungs too. That’s why they wore breastplates.

In our battle against Satan, it’s just as important to protect our hearts. That’s why today we “put on God’s approval as [our] breastplate (Ephesians 6:14). There’s a churchy word for “God’s approval”; we call it righteousness. It means that you are now right with God. You are worthy to be with Jesus—all because Jesus lived for you and took your punishment.

This approval is your bulletproof vest. In Psalm 5:12 David tells us the truth about God: “You bless righteous people, O Lord. Like a large shield, you surround them with your favor.”

Satan’s lies can’t pierce your heart because you know the truth. God loves you. God likes you. God looks at you and smiles. His approval covers and protects your heart.

Chomp on this!

What arrows or bullets does Satan use to try to get to your heart?

Dear Lord, every day is filled with so many choices, so many spiritual struggles. You have given me a bulletproof vest by buying me with your blood. You cover my heart with righteousness. Give me the power and courage to do the things you want me to do. I love you because you loved me first. Amen.

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