Just a Little Can Kill You

Peanut allergies have gotten worse. Peanut dust can cause severe reactions, and eating a tiny bit of peanuts can kill someone with severe allergies. Because it’s a matter of life and death for some students, many schools have peanut-free tables or are completely peanut-free zones. They know they have to keep kids completely away from what will kill them.

Just like a little bit of peanut butter can make a kid sick, a little bit of lies about God can hurt you just as much.

In Galatians chapter 5, Paul wrote a letter to some Christians who were in danger. These Galatians had been told they had to follow certain rules to be believers, that Jesus’ salvation wasn’t enough.

Paul sent them a warning, “A little yeast spreads through the whole batch of dough” (Galatians 5:9). He was telling them, “You’re starting to believe a dangerous lie.” Believing that Jesus’ life and death aren’t all you need for salvation will hurt your faith. Thinking you have to earn your own salvation can be deadly. Any teaching that doesn’t match what God’s Word says can hurt your faith too. That’s why you need to make sure that what you read and hear matches what God says.

Kids with allergies carry an EpiPen. They always have this little container of medicine nearby because it will save their lives if they accidentally eat the wrong foods. God’s Word is your EpiPen. In it you’ll find the medicine you need to save you when you start believing lies. Carry it with you wherever you go.

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