Jesus, You delivered the demon-possessed, healed the sick, and raised the dead. Forgive my unbelief and fill me with faith.
Matthew 17:14-23
Do you expect God to heal?
After the mountaintop experience comes the messy, down-to-earth, everyday world with its disappointments. The disciples (perhaps those left at the bottom of the mountain) could not heal the demon-possessed boy (16). Why not (19)?
Jesus' rebuke for their lack of faith may seem harsh. They had, after all, been trying to do a good thing (17). But why did they think they could heal this boy? Were they trusting in their own powers? Did they imagine that their status as followers of the healer Jesus would enable them to do miracles? "Faith" in ourselves has no power at all. The faith Jesus speaks about, however, invokes the immeasurable power of God (20). Nothing is too big for that. The "amount" of faith is of no consequence. What does God want us to pray for?
The disciples are learning. As they gather in Galilee, ready for the final Passover journey to Jerusalem, Jesus continues to teach them about what will happen to him there (22,23). This time, Peter doesn't rebuke him, but the disciples are "filled with grief." They still can't get their minds around the good news part of Jesus' prophecy.
If you wonder why we are not seeing God move as we see in Scripture, don't avoid asking why (19). Then listen.
God, raise up a church that expects You to work miracles. May we do the "greater works" promised (John 14:12).