I think having your pants fall down at school ranks pretty high on the list of most embarrassing things that could ever happen in the whole entire world, right? That’s why you wear a belt—not because belts are comfortable, but to keep your pants up.
Back in Bible times, a belt wasn’t to protect someone from dying from embarrassment; a belt could actually help stop him from dying for real. It not only kept his armor in place, but it was also nice and wide to cover his vital organs, to protect him in battle.
God’s truth protects us today from the lies we are constantly told. Satan tells you, “You don’t really need to believe in Jesus.” God says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one goes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).
Through TV, movies, and magazines, the world tells you, “You aren’t enough—smart enough, strong enough, or loved enough.” God says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love.”
You tell yourself, “I can’t be happy unless I have . . .” God tells you, “I will supply all your needs.”
The thing is, the truth isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes you won’t be popular because of it; sometimes others will make fun of you. But you wear the belt because you need it. Keep your spiritual pants up.
Chomp on this!
Talk about or write down some lies that Satan tries to tell you.
Now list God’s truths.
Dear Jesus, everything you say is the truth. Help me wear the belt of truth so that I stick to what you say. Let your truth wrap around me and protect me when I am tempted to listen to the father of lies. Amen.