Keeping Your Daughter Safe on Instragram

In case you haven’t heard of Instagram, it’s a fun little app, which allows users to take, edit, and share photos in—well—an instant. Get it? Instant? Instagram.

Instagram also happens to be the new darling of social media. In fact, Instagram is clawing its way to the top of social media favorites among tween and teen users. Instagram is even giving the powerful social media kings, YouTube and Facebook a run for it.

Instagram is so big that a study conducted in June of 2014. Instagram Demographic Statistics showed over 51% of high school seniors use Instagram daily.  That’s every day. That’s Monday through Sunday. That’s a lot of photo taking and sharing.

As our daughters consider hightailing it to Instagram, we need to make sure we know about this hot photo app and work to keep our girls safe.

Let’s take a quick look at some of the common beliefs about Instagram true and false style.

I don’t have to worry about Instagram because my daughter doesn’t have a phone.


Users can set up an account and access Instagram from a variety of devices including ipads, ipods, and Kindle Fires.

Instagram is just about sharing pictures.


Instagram is like any other form of social media. It was created so people can share and be social. Users are allowed to “like,” “comment,” and “tag” other people.

Instagram is a good way for my tween to try out social media without jumping in with both feet.


The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act states it is illegal to collect online information about children under the age of thirteen. Therefore, if your girl is under the age of thirteen, she is not supposed to have an Instagram account.

My daughter’s account is set to private. Therefore, only her followers can access her pictures.

True, but not far from false.

When an Instagram account is set to private, other users have to request to see pictures. However, ANY Instagram user can request access to your girl’s photos (even that creepy guy from down the street). So while your daughter’s photos may be private now, it only takes one click, and they are not.

Posting pictures isn’t horrible, especially since my daughter knows not to share any personal information online.


Although Instagram has improved it’s privacy policy, geotagging exists, and your girl may inadvertently send photos which give out her location without her knowing it.

So, I guess what you are saying is that I should never allow my daughter to get an Instagram account.

Completely false!

Instagram is super fun. I have an account.

It’s where I put pictures of the cute ice cream truck that cruises my neighborhood, Shakespeare in the Park, and long games of backgammon.

But what I am saying about Instagram is: let’s keep ourselves educated so we can keep our daughters safe.

What do you know about Instagram? Would you consider allowing your daughter to get an account?

Written by Amy Sullivan

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