Killing the Country Club Church

Whether it was a popular clique in high school or an exclusive club in adulthood, we’ve all been excluded from something. Being on the outside is no fun. Sometimes it’s depressing or even painful.

Clubs are for the privileged, admired, and elite. A country club accepts people based on where they live or how much money they pay. They’re for people who’ve achieved money, status, or power. Membership in a club is about being exclusive.

Enjoying rounds of golf, a fancy pool, or membership in a club can be good, but finding our place in the Church is even better.

Church Is Better Than A Country Club

The Church is inclusive; it is for the messed up, mixed up, and even those who’ve tried but failed to clean up.

At NewSpring, we’re not called by God to create a comfortable environment for members to be pampered; we’re creating a place for people to join what God is doing to change lives.

The Church exists to include more outsiders, not separate insiders from outsiders.

The purpose of the Church isn’t to create a holy huddle, but to introduce people to Jesus and help them find their place. We don't try to comfortably hide away from everyone else, but run toward the messy, hurting people far from God – because that’s what He’s done with us (Romans 5:6-8).

The Church exists to include more outsiders, not separate insiders from outsiders.

We’re All Invited

Jesus came to earth to be with the sick who needed healing and the broken who needed mending (Matthew 9:11-13).

It’s OK to not be OK, but it’s not OK to stay that way. Being part of a local church means we can share life with others and together learn how to follow Jesus. It also means we lovingly point out areas of our lives in which we haven’t yet given God control, so that we can take next steps with Him.

When Jesus looks at His Church, He doesn’t see a project to fix but people to love.

He doesn’t tell us to get our lives all put together and pretty on the outside. He cares what’s really going on inside of us.

We welcome people who feel unwanted and down-and-out because Jesus welcomes the down-and-out around Him (Matthew 15:21-28). He changes the lives of people no matter who they are or what they’ve done (Luke 19:1-10).

Membership vs. Ownership

Members have rights, but owners have responsibilities.

Rather than demand what’s good for ourselves, we can take ownership in what God has called our church to do by serving, giving, and being connected in relationships with others who follow Jesus.

Church is not a country club designed to entertain, but people on a mission with Jesus (Galatians 1:10).

Written by John Weirick

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