Kindness: Key to Amazing Favor and Success

Are you kind? If your last few interactions with people were broadcasted on television, would it be evidence of you being kind or a big grump? God actually commands us in Ephesians 4 to “be kind to one another.” It is a requirement (not a suggestion) in order to represent Him.

Kindness must operate on all cylinders. Give yourself a kindness check-up.  Ask yourself if you are the following:

Nice – warm or cordial
Considerate – thoughtful-concern for the well-being of others
Gracious – merciful and understanding
Courteous – polite-showing good manners and respect
Friendly – sociable-willing to be around and involved with others
Helpful – giving service with a positive attitude

Kindness is a choice. It is not expressed without conscious thought or volition and should be apparent in your words, body language, deeds and reactions.

But, if we’re honest, at times, everyone has been unkind. It can manifest itself on three levels:

Obvious – This is when you are just plain rude and disrespectful.
Less obvious – This is when you are unfriendly, unpleasant and unsociable.
Very subtle – This is when you are unhelpful, cold and unconcerned.

None of these are good, but the granddaddy of them all is being indifferent. Indifference is a lack of concern or interest; lack of emotion, apathy or feeling. This can be the roadblock to your favor and optimum success. 

There are several factors that contribute to indifference, including negative past experiences, fatigue, busyness, laziness and a lack of teaching. But these are not excuses!  Remember kindness is a choice. The supernatural force of kindness is inside of you, according to Galatians 5:22-23. You must yield yourself to this force by faith and do not give in to your flesh.

Kindness is also a major key in business success. Unkindness can be costly. Surveys indicate that the number one reason customers vow never to return to a specific business or place of service is due to an attitude of indifference on the part of one employee.

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