Spirit of God, I thank You for giving me energy when I am fed up, and for slowing me down when I am overheated.
Matthew 20:29-34
Consider: The two blind men probably wanted some coins. But Jesus saw beyond their question to the real heart question: they wanted their sight. We need such Spirit-given insight in our interaction with people.
Think Further:
Walking with Jesus, who will we encounter today? How will we respond to those whose needs we notice? Or will we walk on by, unseeing? Jesus and his disciples have gotten to Jericho. From now on, the road leads uphill towards Jerusalem. This part of the disciples' journey with Jesus is almost at an end--but still he teaches them about the upside-down nature of his kingdom.
The disciples had been squabbling about who would be the greatest in the kingdom (Matt. 20:21). The large crowd now following Jesus (29) were probably thinking similarly about a powerful leader and salvation from the Romans. No one seemed to have understood Jesus' "last will be first" message of the kingdom. It is the lowly blind beggars who are the seeing ones here. They sense a one-and-only chance and with persistence and determination call out to the "Lord" (31). The crowd thinks that Jesus is much too important for the likes of these (remember the disciples with the children; Matt. 19:13-15). It would have been easy for Jesus and his adoring followers to sweep on by, but, of course, Jesus hears their desperate cries amid the hubbub--and stops. The "Son of David" title (31) might suggest that they also thought Jesus would be some kind of earthly king. No matter, Jesus responds to those who humbly come to him in faith, even if they haven't quite understood who or what they're asking. We too haven't yet understood much about the Lord, yet Jesus comes to all those who put their faith in him and seek his help. What do we want him to do for us?
The compassionate touch brings miraculous healing (34), and, as so often with Jesus' healings, it is about more than the body (e.g., Mark 2:1-12; John 9:35-38). These men have their spiritual eyes opened too, and they follow Jesus.
Apply: "Jesus stopped...'What do you want me to do for you?' he asked" (32). You probably will have contact with people today. Make the statement of Jesus your prayer, so you can discern the real heart question, and share the hope Jesus brings.
Gracious Lord, I ask for the gift of discernment, so I can respond to the needs of the heart.