Know Your Glory

Take a look at the motivated people around you. What drives them to do what they do? What internal energy is keeping them going? In many cases, it’s a cover for deep insecurity, compensation for an old wound, or a desperate need to mask internal pain. The tactics they use won’t fully satisfy, of course, but the motivation is nevertheless strong. 

That’s why it’s absolutely essential to know who we are as holy, beloved, set-apart, chosen people fully adored by God. Otherwise, we’ll be internally motivated to create our own self-perception or cover our insecurities and pain. And while that may lead to outward success, it won’t lead to internal satisfaction.

You were created in God’s own image (Genesis 1:27) and are being restored to that image (Romans 8:29; 2 Corinthians 3:18). Live as though you have absolutely nothing to prove, no pain to compensate for, no desperation to make others know who you are.

You already know who you are. Simply live from that identity, and many will see the glory God has put in you.

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