Knowledge Beyond Knowing

. . . to know this love that surpasses knowledge. (Ephesians 3:19)

There’s irony in this apostolic prayer for us to grasp every dimension of God’s love. How can we know something that surpasses knowledge? If it’s beyond our grasp, how can we grasp it? The height, depth, width, and breadth are beyond our capacity, and yet . . .

This isn’t a mistake. God doesn’t tantalize us with something unattainable and then tell us to attain it. That would be cruel. No, he offers us himself, knowing how limited our capacity is but promising supernatural power to experience him. And we need it. If we only knew how extravagant his love is, we would plead for supernatural ability to apprehend it. He invites us to do so. That’s the point of the apostolic prayer.

Ask to experience things that can’t be experienced by normal means. Pray for enlarged capacity to know the love that is beyond knowing. Boldly seek to enter into the realm of the Spirit to see and hear things that fallen humanity cannot see and hear. If you’ve ever wondered if there’s more to life than what you’re experiencing, know that there is. And you were destined for it. Ask to receive more, and believe that you will.

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