

Our Kingdom Impact:


  • We currently have 324 Kingdom Partners providing over 88,000 text, audio, video, and music posts that have been accessed over 35,750,000 times.
  • God continues to wow us with the Spanish initiative as we crossed over 25,000 users on iD Español!
  • Our premium subscribers help provide regular donations to World Vision Water, which are matched by the Africa Water Fund. Because of our premium subscribers – we have been able to provide one year of clean water for over 50,000 people.


From our users:


“I’ve always had a belief in God, but struggled on how to pray and connect. This app connects my worries and what I want to focus on specifically so it feels very personal for me. I really enjoy this app.”


“¡Excepcional! Es una aplicación que te da herramientas para crecer tanto personal como espiritualmente. La recomiendo, es una bendición para aquellos que arrancamos y damos nuestros primeros pasos como Cristianos.”

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