Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of the LORD your God (Exodus 20:9–10).
There are two common problems when it comes to work. One is laziness. We live in a society that sometimes views the irresponsible—those who won’t work—as victims. This is insulting to those who are truly unable to work. God’s Word is clear: laziness is not good. God wants us to work hard.
At the other extreme is workaholism, and there are four common traits of the workaholic:
- Tends to be the first person at the office and the last to leave.
- Tries to please others, and has a tough time saying no.
- Tends to talk only about work.
- Feels guilty taking a day off.
Neither workaholism nor laziness is God’s intention. The right balance is working hard to please God yet taking time to back away and rest. Take a weekly Sabbath. It is one of God’s great ideas for successful living. When we do, we find ourselves refreshed and ready to give our best to our work.