Leading Through Disappointment

The next year will hold many triumphs and blessings. Our calendars are filling up, our mission is set, and our desire is to glorify God and lead like Jesus in all things.

Ah yes. Give glory and honor to God, and His Son Jesus. Regardless.

Along our leadership journey we will be confronted with disappointment. Whether it’s our disappointment or someone else’s, it doesn’t matter. Obstacles, setbacks, calamities and misfortune are a part of leading.

We need to continue to lead forward. But how?

5 Ways to Lead Forward

Knowing that we will encounter disappointments, here are 5 ways to honor and glorify God in all things as you continue leading forward. 

  1. Start where you are and look ahead with HOPE.We serve the God of Hope. Keep the promise of eternal hope first in your heart and mind as you search for the way forward. There is always hope.
  1. Persevere. Don’t give up. Look at the situation with realistic eyes, then reassess, revise, and resume the journey forward to God’s glory.
  1. Remind everyone (including yourself) of God’s faithfulness.Your solid ground is God’s faithfulness and your assurance is how He has helped in the past. He has always provided a way, even if it wasn’t the path you expected. Share stories. Dig deep and give thanks. Consider it all joy.
  1. Serve with love. Take action - do something. Work alongside those you lead. Be proactive with a tenderhearted, kind, humble, gentle and patient attitude. 

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:2-5 

  1. Ask for God’s wisdom. Talk with God. Pray alone. Pray with those you lead. Ask others to pray for you and with you. Pour it all out in prayer, always giving thanks.

Joined together in prayer, and with Jesus as our perfect leadership example, you CAN lead forward through any and all disappointments.

Written by Robert and Lori Ferguson

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