Learning How to Pray

"Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, 'Lord teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.'” —Luke 11:1 ESV

Prayer. Add it to the list of things I feel guilty about as a mom right below never wanting to do crafts with my kiddos and being too cutthroat during games of Candy Land with my four-year-old.

I know that I am supposed to be praying for my kids. In fact, I am fond of saying that as a mom, prayer is my primary work. I mean that. I do. But sometimes I just don’t know what to pray.

I take great comfort in knowing that Jesus’ disciples, the very folks who were closest to Him, were just as clueless about prayer. Even so, if our mothers’ hearts are going to be made over, prayer must be part of the pipeline of change. We need Jesus to show us how to pray for our children, how to pray for our marriages, and how to pray for our own fleshy hearts to be transformed to be more like Jesus. In order for that to happen, we need to relearn how to pray.

We’ll hover here for the next few days, as prayer is foundational for our heart makeover. Avoid the temptation to gloss over these days and assume, “I’ve heard this all before.” Think of a reeducation on prayer like the base coat on your nails or a great shampoo (with scalp massage, please) before the cut and style. This isn’t the glam stuff, but it’s necessary foundational work to pave the way for a radical before and after.

Action Step: Make a different kind of family tree.

Disclaimer: No art supplies or talent are required for this action step, but you crafty girls feel free to go crazy.

Write down the names of the members of your immediate family including yourself. Under each name, write prayer needs for each person. This may take a minute. Give yourself enough time to consider how you’d like to see God move in each of your lives. What are your physical, spiritual, and relational needs? Write them down, and save that paper in a place where you can return to it soon.

A Mom’s Prayer: Jesus, teach me how to pray as You do. Make me aware of the needs of my family so that I can entrust them to You. 

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