What’s the point of parenting anyway? A recent lunch I had with a friend reminded me to ask the question of myself. His was… “to help raise a young man/woman up with Godly character” (my paraphrase)
Good answer… and I bet 99% of us will wholeheartedly agree.
But how the heck do we accomplish that… ? There must be ten thousand books out there on parenting, discipleship and mentoring of tweens and teens. But can anyone just boil it all down to a single thought or idea that insanely busy – stressed out parents can remember in the heat of our over-booked days?
How about this…. “Learning to share”
I think we can all admit that God is still teaching us as parents. How many new and important truths, ideas and healthier perspectives has He given us about our own lives, the world we live in and the value of a family. In all honesty, we’re being taught new and vital lessons for our lives almost every day. The process of growing and maturing is constant. A holy process that begins with our conversion and ends with Christ’s return.
Theologian’s call it sanctification… I call it difficult.
What might be less obvious is how God always seems to be teaching us vital life lessons in the difficulties of our “grown-up” lives. Insights and understanding that pop into our heads mere minutes or days before we REALLY needed them. Truth’s that kept us from making a tragic mistake or foolish decision are commonplace in a believer’s life. I know we all notice when it happens to us…but I wonder if we remember to “share” that new nugget of wisdom with our families…with our kids.
What if God was teaching us so that we could teach them?
Could it be that simple?
An authentic – struggling parent who openly admits their day-to-day need for God to guide and provide and protect them. Unafraid to be honest and open with their kids about the doubts and fears and frustrations they face every day ?
Oh yes, I believe it could be… AND I believe it’s EXACTLY what our kids are so hungry to see.
1 Thessalonians 5:22-23 “May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together—spirit, soul, and body—and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ. The One who called you is completely dependable. If he said it, he’ll do it!” (The Message)