Leaving Our Water Pots

She thought she was just making a routine trip to the village well. Little did she know how drastically her life was about to change. Jesus was already at the well, weary from traveling, and He asked her for a drink—despite the fact that, in those days, Jews didn’t speak to Samaritans, and a Jewish man certainly wouldn’t speak to a Samaritan woman. But apparently she was none too timid herself, for she came right out and asked Jesus why He was speaking to her.

Jesus answered her questions and more, and before the conversation was over, she had been convicted of her sins and came to believe in Jesus as the Messiah (John 4:7-26).

But it’s what she did next that stands out in my mind. John 4:28 says, “So the woman left her water pot, and went into the city.” She was so excited that she dropped everything, including her present task at the well. Retrieving drinkable water was no longer important. Telling others about her encounter with Jesus had become her priority.

While I enjoy the moments when Jesus reminds me of His love, teaches me a new truth, or helps me handle a difficult situation, those moments are not only for me. I should be sharing my experiences with others.

Now Jesus may not be leaning against water fountains, standing in produce aisles, or waiting in line at the bank, but we are. Are you taking these opportunities to share Him with others? Or have you become so focused on other tasks that you’ve forgotten your primary goal—to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you” (Matt. 28:19-20)?

So what holds us back? Time constraints? Busyness? Our jobs, chores, hobbies, errands, or even church activities? Are you ready to drop your water pots and tell others about the living water Christ offers to us all?

Written by Beth K Fortune

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