Less-Expected Heroes

The apostles were too busy to get caught up in the details of serving widows and meeting basic needs. They wanted to devote themselves to prayer and the ministry of God’s Word (Acts 6:2-4). So they selected men who were full of the Spirit and wisdom of God to distribute food to those in need. They realized the importance of the task; they just didn’t want to be distracted by it.

Interestingly, the next few chapters of Acts focus not on the original apostles but on these servant-hearted people who were chosen to put food on tables. These men—most notably Stephen and Philip—became ministers of the word, persuading others with the truth of scripture. They performed miracles and saw visions. They preached and proclaimed. In other words, they did exactly what the apostles had been doing, even though they had only been tasked with waiting tables. The apostles had given them a job description; God anointed them for a way of life.

God often works through less-expected heroes. In fact, he looks for them. Those who faithfully fulfill duties become those who do extraordinary things in the power of his Spirit—not because we are looking for glory but because we know how to serve others. God doesn’t know us by our role; he knows us by our responsiveness to him.

The fastest way to be used by God is to develop the heart of a servant and yield to his Spirit. God writes great stories through people who are simply available to him. Join him in his work, and you’ll find him working powerfully through you.


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