Lessons From Deborah

Recently, I began a study on the women of the Bible. One of the women I would like to emulate is Deborah, so let me share a few highlights from her story with you. The life of Deborah is recorded in Judges 4-5.


Deborah, the wife of Lippidoth, is among one of the outstanding women of history. She was a prophetess who heard from God and believed Him. As a prophetess, she encouraged the people to follow God. She was the only female judge of Israel and the leader of the nation. She was responsible for leading Israel in battle against the Canaanites. While Deborah was described in Judges 4:4 as a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, she described herself as “a mother of Israel” (Judges 5:7).

Deborah was a wise leader and was known for her prophetic power. She loved the Lord and the people of Israel. She was a great mediator, adviser and counselor. She had great leadership skills, a remarkable relationship with God, and she was faithful.

Lessons Learned

Some of the lessons I learned from Deborah’s life are:

  • God can accomplish great things through people who are willing to be led by Him.
  • Wise leaders surround themselves with the right people.
  • She was concerned about people, not just her success.
  • Whenever people praised her she acknowledged that all the glory belongs to God.

Application to my life

Studying the life of Deborah has allowed me to seriously evaluate my life, my purpose and my calling. I have asked the Lord to help me to be the godly wife, mother and leader like Deborah. As I serve in the ministry, I pray that God will equip me with the godly characteristics and leadership qualities that she possessed in order to fulfill His purpose for my life.

I’ll continue to seek God’s guidance in every decision I make and to totally rely on Him. My greatest desire is to allow Him to:

  1. Develop in me the characteristics that Deborah demonstrated.
  2. Grant me an unwavering commitment to do his will.
  3. Help me to do whatever it takes to strengthen and encourage others.
  4. Give me the wisdom to make sound judgment and to offer counsel that guide individuals toward faithfulness and obedience in the area of biblical financial stewardship, and ultimately into a closer relationship with Christ.

May this be your heart’s desire also!

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