Let Go of This ... and Be Free

Freedom can come in unexpected ways, and this is one of them. The sentence below will sound very negative, but it’s not. It’s really one of the most liberating truths you can discover. Are you ready? Here it is:

Expect some people to hate you simply because you follow Jesus.

They may not, of course. Live and love like Jesus, and lots of people will be drawn to you. That will be great.

But don’t be surprised if some are repelled. You don’t want to give people reasons to hate you; there’s no value in getting negative attention for being a jerk. And don’t ever fall into a victim mentality; you aren’t.

But the cross really is a stumbling block, and as someone who lives that message, you’ll likely be a stumbling block too. Some people will unreasonably reject you for that reason alone. Let them. It’s not you.

“He is the stone that makes people stumble, the rock that makes them fall.” (1 Peter 2:8 NLT, cf. Isaiah 8:14)

Or, as George Whitefiled said—in the 1700s!—"In our days, to be a true Christian is really to become a scandal."

Live passionately with a relentless love for your world and a deep desire to see your culture transformed to look like the kingdom. But never assume that this love and compassion will be given back by anyone other than Jesus himself. It may or may not be. The culture could actually return your love with hostility.

Now why is that liberating? Because most of us spend far too much time posing so people will like us. And we think something is dreadfully wrong when they don’t—even to the point of toning down our beliefs when there’s backlash against them.

It’s okay for backlash to cause you to consider the effect you have on others. It’s not okay for it to rule you. Let go of being a “people pleaser” and choose instead to do what’s best for them. And what’s best—what the world really needs—is for you to be who God has made you to be, even if some stumble over the truth you represent.


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