Let Go of Yourself

Instinct says that if you want to grow, focus on your growth. But the more you examine your own spiritual growth, the less likely you are to experience it. The more you become captivated with God, his nature, and his ways, the more you grow into his likeness. With a few occasional exceptions, introspection tends to defeat your purposes. You can’t become more selfless by focusing on yourself.

If you try taking the focus off yourself, however, you’ll probably be tempted at times to look within and see how well you’re doing. But you don’t really need to know, do you? You would if you were managing the process, but you aren’t. You’ve submitted that process to God, and he’s managing it well. You don’t need to check up on him.

It’s always good to be self-aware, but rarely to be self-focused. Learn the difference. Trust your inward renovation to God, and stop trying to manage it yourself. A heart preoccupied with God is already much further along than one preoccupied with progress. And it’s well on its way to fulfilling its primary purpose.


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