Let It Go – Really

Okay, if you have children, are a child, know a child, have heard of a child, or are anyone alive on the face of the earth, you recognize Let it Go as a song from the Disney movie Frozen. Queen Elsa sings this when she realizes she no longer needs to hang on to what she thought was necessary.

Yesterday this wasp landed on my mirror at a red light. I decided to see if he could hang on at 48 mph. At 88 mph I needed to brake for my next turn – and he was still hanging on. Their top flying speed is about 15 mph. So I wondered – “How did he do that,” and even more so “Why did he do that?”

Have you ever found yourself hanging on to something beyond the time it was useful? I had a client who asked me to look at his business with him. I suggested he go in that night at about 2:00 AM, remove all his personal property and lock the door. He was mortified and kept borrowing money to keep his namesake business alive. One year later, he filed bankruptcy, having maxed out the limits on 98 credit cards. Twice, I’ve kept businesses too long, recognizing in retrospect that I should have gotten out much earlier. For years, I fought seasonal allergies, continuing to experiment with medications, before I was open to the healing power of changed diet, chiropractic care and massage.  Every day I hear from people who are in jobs that are sucking the life out of them – but hearing from companies who are desperately looking for people with clear areas of competence.

What do you need to let go of? By hanging on to something that is not a natural fit you may find yourself being pulled into an area where you don’t belong – and that does not use your greatest talents.

If you need the song to inspire you to let something go, you can join the 197,070,952 people who have already listened to the YouTube version: Let it Go!


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